We believe to design a Hospital facility is to design a system. Designing a hospital facility is not just about creating a physical structure, but rather about crafting a comprehensive system that influences the behavior and experience of its users. "Designing a new hospital facility, on the site of the former children's hospital, presented a significant challenge due to the limited dimensions and scale of the project. At first, it seemed as if We were tasked with organizing the required programs and laying out the space outlined in the competition brief while adhering to a rigid boundary defined by the competition organizers. Our goal was to find a way to add value to a four-story hospital facility with a rigid boundary.
![Maquette](images/TOP VIEW low res hospital cetinje.png)
Could we design the form to integrate the new building into the sur- roundings, aesthetically pleasing on the outside, and also make a better experience for the users inside, as it hugs the needed pro- grams and spaces? In the first step, corridors were placed on the north side of the build- ing, and stairs and elevators were placed at both ends of the build- ing The main lobby was placed at the entrance, and the laboratory reception and pharmacy were placed on the ground floor for ease of access.
![Facade](images/cetinje hospital.png)
The radiology department was also moved to the basement along with a separate waiting room and part of the laboratory and supporting areas and services such as the engine room and morgue. Clinics were placed on the first and second floor on the southern front of the building to maximize the use of sunlight. Each floor has its own waiting areas along with a nursing station.
![View](images/hospital cetinje maquette.gif)
The form of our design was the result of studying the gable-roofed buildings that are widdely spreaded all over the region.The question was how to be as close to the region form-wise, yet design and make something that is new. In the landscape of the project, due to the richness of the site in terms of greenery, we tried to organize the north side of the building with minimal interference and preserving all the trees.On the southern part, we also brought the light to the under ground level by creating a soft green slope.